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Energy Therapy

Introduction to energy therapy

Therapy Approach Energy Treatment

Therapy Approach Energy Treatment

A chakra energy therapy is a very intense experience. On a "fantastic" journey you experience energetic healing in deep relaxation, trance and hypnosis at the same time. Feel and see subconscious, (experience) dreamlike.

During a simple energy treatment the energy therapist opens chakra energy fields and dissolves blockages.

During an extended energy treatment, repressed issues that you experienced in certain phases of your life but perhaps didn't want to see come to light. It may happen that you cry or laugh during a treatment.

It takes awareness to feel. To bear what you feel - without being stressed, hurt, scared, you need love and connection with yourself. The energy therapist opens and connects the chakras. Only with this kind of openness is it possible to find one's own center. Only from one's own center it is possible to bear relationship with oneself and with others - without constantly overreacting.

After the energy treatment we structure the experience together in talk therapy.


What is energy medicine?

What is energy medicine?

Energy medicine opens energy fields and releases blockages. Energetic healing takes place on three levels: organic, spiritual and mental. By dissolving energetic poisonings and blockages, psychosomatic organic disorders can change. On the spiritual and mental level, disturbing feelings and thoughts are balanced and stress is relieved.

To free oneself from inner stress needs:
1. trust,
2. empathy,
3. self-confidence/ courage,
4. love,
5. truth,
6. faith,
7. connectedness.

These headings describe the energy of the seven main chakras. In yoga we speak of the Kundalini energy/life energy. Seven energy centers located along the spine from the root (anus) to the crown (uppermost point of the skull) represent specific organic, soul and mental issues. Chakras develop and manifest depending on our lives. They can be free or blocked in themselves and they can be interconnected or disconnected.

In therapy, blockages and belief patterns are dissolved and the flow of connection is restored through energetic treatment.

The Chakra System

The Chakra System


Our life energy (kundalini) is influenced by seven main chakras. Chakras are energy fields that are interconnected. They can be too strong, too weak, blocked or even turning in the wrong direction. Each energy field (chakra) is responsible for physical and psychological balance or imbalance. Each chakra has a specific potential.

With techniques such as yoga, meditation and chakra energy therapy, psychological and physical disturbances can be changed. During an energy treatment, energy fields (chakras) are turned up/opened and supplied with energy (light and colors).

On a physical or organic level there is an interface with psychosomatics. Each main chakra has an energetic direction of rotation and a basic color and can be treated accordingly.

On the psychic level, fear or joy are found above all. Soul chakra energy also has color for wisdom and love.

Our spirit, mental level, takes place not only in the head. Each chakra needs mental energy, which in turn is also given in certain colors and light.

Psychotherapeutic significance of the chakras

Psychotherapeutic significance of the chakras

Each chakra, depending on our phases of life, has great potential for development - but unfortunately also great susceptibility to disturbance. If a chakra is disturbed, this can lead to physical soul or mental problems. If there are no or few disturbances, body and soul are healthy and it can lead to mental freedom.

Chakra 1: Root = Trust,
Psychotherapeutic meaning: family and social ties, security.

The root chakra has the greatest possibility of development in the first seven years of life. Here the basic prerequisites for trust or mistrust are laid. During this time, the relationship with mother or with a female relationship person is especially important.
Element is earth.
Basic color of the root chakra is RED.
Feeling = "All is One."
Energy is right-turning.
Mantra frequency is LAM.

Chakra 2: Sacral = Emotions,
Psychotherapeutic meaning: creativity, sexuality, strength, control, relationships, money.

The Sacral Chakra has the greatest possibility of development in the years of life 7 to 14. Here the basic prerequisites for relationship ability or inability are laid. From a psychological point of view, the relationship with the father or with a male relationship person is especially important at this time.
Element is water.
Basic color of the sacral chakra is ORANGE.
Feeling = "empathy".
Energy is left-turning.
Mantra frequency is VAM.

Chakra 3: Solar plexus = self-awareness,
Psychotherapeutic meaning: personality, ego, self-confidence, instinct.
The solar plexus chakra has the greatest possibility of development in the years of life 14 to 21. Here the basic prerequisites for self-confidence are laid. During this time, the relationship with oneself and with other leaders is especially important.
Element is fire.
Basic color of the solar plexus chakra is YELLOW.
Feeling = "self-worth".
Energy is right-turning.
Mantra frequency is RAM.

Chakra 4: Heart = Love,
Psychotherapeutic meaning: spirituality, love, compassion, empathy, gift to forgive.

The heart chakra has the greatest possibility of development in the years of life 21 to 28. Here the basic prerequisites for love and relationship ability are laid. During this time, one's own spirituality develops.
Element is air.
Basic color of the heart chakra is GREEN.
Feeling = "divine love".
Energy is left-turning.
Mantra frequency is YAM.

Chakra 5: Throat = truth,
Psychotherapeutic meaning: communication, self-expression, belief patterns, dreams, joy of life.

The throat chakra has the greatest possibility of development in the years of life 28 to 35. Here old habits that are not one's own are manifested through one's own belief patterns. In this time especially the love of truth is important.
Element is ether (fine dust).
Basic color of the throat chakra is light BLUE.
Feeling = harmonize one's own belief/truth/reality with general ethics.
Energy is right-turning.
Mantra frequency is HAM.

Chakra 6: forehead = third eye,
Psychotherapeutic meaning: intelligence, tolerance, providence, karma, overview.
The forehead chakra has the greatest possibility of development in the years of life 35 to 42. Tolerant thinking or narrow-mindedness develops here. Feelings and thoughts can harmonize in fine dusty matter.
Element is light and darkness (fine dusty).
Basic color of the root chakra is dark BLUE.
Feeling = "divine truth".
Energy is left-turning.
Mantra frequency is AUM.

Chakra 7: Crown = connection with everything, universe.
Psychotherapeutic meaning: consciousness, realization of who you are, letting go, spirituality.
The crown chakra has the greatest possibility of development in the years of life 42 to 49. Here trust for the whole can develop and independence.
Element is time and space (fine dust).
Basic color of the crown chakra is VIOLET.
Feeling = "living in the here and now".
Energy is right-turning.
Mantra frequency is OM.

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